
    A study on the Edo manuscript of the Re-edited version of Daxue collected by the National Documentary Archives of Japan
저자 李紀祥 권호 Vol.5 No.1
언어 중국어 페이지 18
게재일 2024.02.18 PDF Download
    Guan Zhidao, Re-edited version of Great Learning, Edo manuscripts, Wang Yangming’s Ancient version of Great learning, Feng Fang’s Stone engraving Daxue of Wei dynasty
明萬曆朝管志道受王陽明刊刻《古本⼤學》、豐坊製作《魏石經⼤學》影響, 亦撰有《⼤學》改本。 其書傳世不廣, 故近代研究者亦尠。 本文則據現今藏於日本東京國⽴公文書館所藏《重訂古本⼤學章句合釋文》之江戶寫本, 作出⽬錄學與學術史的深⼊探討, 兼及寫本思想特⾊與篇章問題, 以為敘錄。
Abstract In the Ming Dynasty,Guan Zhidao(1536-1608) was influenced by Wang Yangming(1472-1529)'s publication of the Ancient version of Great learning,and Fengfang(1492-1563)'s Stone engraving Daxue of Wei dynasty.He also re-edited another version of the Great learning.Since this work has not been widely circulated, there is almost no recent research on Guan’s book.This article is based on the Edo manuscript of the Re-edited version of Daxue currently stored in the National Archives in Tokyo,Japan.The author will make an in-depth discussion from the perspective of bibliography and the approach of academic history,as well as analyze the issues of recording chapters in the manuscript and the characteristics of its content