
    National Identity in China’s Foreign Aid Policy: Content analysis based on Foreign Aid White Papers
저자 吴岳 권호 Vol.4 No.2
언어 중국어 페이지 29
게재일 2023.07.31 PDF Download
    China, Foreign aid, National identity, National interests, Great-power diplomacy
Abstract Foreign aid is a salient policy instrument of China’s diplomacy. In the wake of the new millennium, China has expanded the scale of its foreign aid and emerged as a major donor country worldwide. In the context of “great-power diplomacy,” China has been placing greater emphasis on projecting its identity as a great power rather than a developing country. The current academic literature offers limited insight regarding the extent to which China’s foreign aid policy is informed and dominated by its great-power identity. So, this paper aims to investigate China’s national identity and interests in its foreign aid policy. To this end, it employs a content analysis methodology based on an examination of China’s three foreign aid white papers. It finds a mismatch between national identity and interests in China’s foreign aid policy. Although the developing-country identity remains a significant feature of China’s foreign aid policy, there is a heightened reflection of great-power interests. This paper argues that this mismatch between China’s national identity and interests is justifiable; however, it is likely to pose challenges to China’s foreign aid and diplomacy.