
    논문3: 龚宁 「近代中国城市化进程中的征地拆迁: 以海河裁弯工程为例」
    Gong Ning, Demolition and Land Acquisition in Modern China’s Urbanization: The Case of Hai-Ho Curve Cut-off
저자 龚宁 권호 Vol.1 No.2
언어 중국어 페이지 28
게재일 2020.05.12 PDF Download
    Modern China, Tianjin, Urbanization, Demolition and land acquisition, Hai-Ho curve cut-off project, Hai-Ho Conservancy Commission, NGOs
在城市化过程中,需要扩张城市空间改变原有土地用途,以便开展城 市市政建设,在这个过程中,拆迁和征地是⽆法避免的社会问题。然而拆迁必然涉及原有社会环境的破坏和重塑,影响被拆迁者的⽣产和⽣活,⼀旦处理不当,容易激发群体性冲突,此种案例古往今来所⻅不鲜。1901年开始,伴随着天津城市空间扩展和航道治理需要,海河进⾏了六次裁弯取直⼯程,所涉及的前期拆迁⼯作进展顺利,未发⽣激烈的冲突和对抗。基于海河⼯程局档案的整理,辅之以《大公报》报道,本文将研究拆迁过程中政府、相关机构和⺠众之间的互动关系,进而探讨 在城市化过程中如何在维护社会稳定的前提下,取得公共利益与个⼈利 益的有效平衡,并最终推进基础设施建设以及城市建设。本文认为,拆迁⼯作的成功需要拆迁组织者制订合理的规则,拆迁实施者做好相应的 协调和补偿⼯作,同时被拆迁者的谅解与⽀持也必不可少。只有作为组 织者的政府、作为实施者的相关机构与被拆迁⺠众三⽅相互配合,才能共同保证征地拆迁⼯作的圆满完成。作为近代较为成功的系统性拆迁案例,海河裁弯案例也可以为今天的城市市政建设提供⼀些经验借鉴。
Abstract During urbanization, urban municipal construction requires expansion of urban space and changes in land use, making demolition and land acquisition unavoidable social problems. Demolition destroys and reshapes natural social environments, and impacts the lives and productive activities of the people involved. Without proper handling, long-lasting group conflict could ensue. Since 1901, the channel has been cut off six times during expansions of the Tianjin City and Hai-Ho river redevelopment. During these processes, the demolition proceeded without fierce conflict and confrontation. Using data from the Hai-Ho Conservancy Commission archives and additional reporting of Ta Kung Pao, this essay examines 1) the interaction and relationships between the government, agencies, and civilians; 2) equilibrium maintenance between public and private interests; and 3) promotion of infrastructure and urban construction. The research finds that successful demolition work requires an organizer to formulate reasonable guidelines, an implementer to coordinate and compensate the people involved, who, in turn, should fully understand and support the project. Only when the government serves as an organizer, the relative institutions act as implementers, and the people cooperate does the demolition work to completion successfully. As a successful systematic demolition case in a modern China city, the Hai-Ho curve cut-off case provides a significant example for understanding urban construction today.